
Why choose Seni Care?

Sensitive skin, especially the skin of the elderly who use absorbent products to manage their urinary/faecal incontinence require proper care. One needs to pay special attention to those parts of the body which are constantly exposed to irritants such as urine, faeces and sweat. Special care should be also devoted to the places which are exposed to callusing and drying – elbows, knees and heels.

When providing skin care one should aim to limit the exposure of the skin to irritant substances. It is worth to use cosmetics from the same line; it is best to use those which have the pH level neutral to the skin.

Why choose specialist Seni Care skin care products? Seni Care logo

Delicate cleansing:

Regeneration and activation:

Effective protection:

Choosing the size

Choosing the size

Correct selection is not only based on the category of a product, but also depends on its size. Bad-fitting diaper may influence user’s health and increase the expenses.

Economise with Seni

Economise with Seni

By combining absorbency we understand proper product selection with regard to the current needs and using additional protection to avoid unnecessary bedclothes laundry.


A wide range of absorbent products for people who need reliable protection.

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A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.

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Choosing the right product is very important. That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".

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