Legal notices

The administrator of the website is Bella Premier Happy HygieneCare Pvt. Ltd.

The owner of the brand Seni is: Toruńskie Zakłady Materiałów Opatrunkowych S.A. (hereinafter referred to as TZMO S.A.), with a seat in Toruń, ul. Żółkiewskiego 20/26, 87-100 Toruń, registered in the District Court in Toruń, VII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000011286, NIP 8790166790, REGON 870514656, BDO 000013635, share capital PLN 2,640,000 paid in full.

User's consent 

If you do not agree to be bound by the following terms of use, you should immediately discontinue use of this site.


The entire content of this website is a work as defined by copyright law and is protected by law. No part of it may be multiplied, distributed, published, modified or copied in any way (including electronic, mechanical or other) without prior written consent of TZMO S.A.

TZMO S.A. does not grant the users of this website any license or rights to works protected by copyright. None of these provisions shall be construed as granting, by implication, permission or otherwise, any license or right to use any intellectual property right belonging to TZMO S.A. Any actions infringing copyrights are prohibited.

Trademarks and other markings

All trademarks, trade names, logos, graphic design and other intellectual property rights such as patents or industrial designs used or presented on this site are the property of TZMO S.A. or third parties and are reserved and protected by law in Poland and in the world. Using them in any way without prior written consent of TZMO S.A. is forbidden.


This website contains databases which are subject to protection according to regulations on protection of databases. The producer of the database is TZMO S.A. or a third party who is entitled to the exclusive right to download the data and their secondary use in whole or in substantial part in quality or quantity.

Limitation of responsibility 

The information provided on this website does not constitute an offer of sale, rendering services or any other offer within the meaning of civil law.

The information provided in this website has been prepared with due diligence and in good faith; however, TZMO S.A. does not bear responsibility for completeness and accuracy of the information provided. Any information contained herein may be presented in incomplete, abridged form or may be outdated. Particularly, to the extent permitted by law, any responsibility of TZMO S.A. for the results of using the information obtained from this website by the users, directly or indirectly suffered by the users or third parties losses, damages, harm and other negative consequences resulting from the user's access to this website or lack of it as well as those resulting from the use of information, services, tools and solutions presented in this website is excluded.

TZMO S.A. is not responsible for damages or losses resulting from the interruption of access to the network and service, computer system errors caused by viruses or communication using electronic mail.

TZMO S.A. does not bear responsibility for the content, privacy policy or functioning of external sites to which the links are placed on this website or which contain links to this website. The user who decides to use the links to gain access to third parties' sites does it at his/her own responsibility.

The use of this Site shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the land applicable in India in general and the Information Technology Act, 2000 in particular, and all the issues that refer to the usage of this Service shall be applicable subject to appropriate regulations being in force in the Union of India.

Any and all disputes arising out of and/or in reference to these terms and conditions, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in India.

Services provided by the Website

The Website provides the following Services:

Possibility to order free samples

Ordering free samples consists of placing an order for a sample / samples of a Seni absorbent product or a sample of Seni Care skin care product selected from the set of available products. To receive an order, users must provide their shipping address (name and surname, street, house number, zip code, city, e-mail address). The placed order must be confirmed by the user by clicking on the activation link sent to the user's mailbox.

Possibility to send an inquiry via the contact form

There is a contact form on the website through which the user can send a message / inquiry. When completing the form, the user must fill in the field with an e-mail address. The website administrator reserves the right not to answer selected questions.

Location of sales points

The website has a sales point locator where Seni products can be bought. The locator works on the principle of geolocation of the user and allows to present the user with results matched to the place where he is currently located. It is possible thanks to the user’s device IP address.

Other activities carried out on the website

Through the website Customer loyalty programs, competitions and promotional campaigns as well as market and consumer surveyresearch may be conducted. Detailed conditions for their implementation will be included in the regulations of such programs, competition and promotional campaigns  . Participation in the above-mentioned activities will be possible only after accepting the terms of the such given regulations on submission of the Google Forms available in the website from time to time.  using the form.

The viewers are hereby informed that the accesses to the information in our website are available at free of cost and there is no time limitation for viewing the information posted in our website except for the timely announced Customer Loyalty Programs. The viewer has to bear the cost of internet and other resources for connecting to our website and we shall not be held responsible for the same in any manner.

The viewer shall be able to access/ view the content of this site only after providing their consent to process their personal data as described under the Scope of Privacy Policy Document.

Choose product

A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.

Choose product

Choose size

Choosing the right product is very important. That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".

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