Step 1
Determine the level of incontinence you are dealing with. Depending on the level of incontinence, frequency of urine loss and the degree of mobility of a given person we can choose appropriate pads or diapers.
Step 2
Choose the type of an absorbent you would like to use.
Step 3
Determine the size of a product to ensure optimal fit on the body. In order to make it easier to choose the right product we created a special questionnaire. Using this questionnaire you will be able to choose the right product for a particular incontinence case and find the proper size.
Depending on one’s individual needs and preferences there are three diaper systems to choose from:
Open system – anatomically shaped pads without the wings around the hip;
Half-open system – diapers with elastic hip bands;
Closed system – classic all-in-one diapers with wings or elastic disposable underwear.
Mobile people, partially able to control passing urine will surely feel much more comfortable in anatomically shaped pads which are fixed on the body with the special net briefs, or in diapers with the elastic hip bands, which can be taken down and pulled up. Such people are also likely to choose our absorbent disposable pants, which resemble ordinary underwear, and are really comfortable and easy to use.
For bedridden people, or those with limited mobility, we recommend the closed system which provides optimal protection in moderate and heavy incontinence. Diapers from each of the systems provide excellent protection in incontinence; however it is important to remember to choose the proper size and absorbency, and also to properly activate the product before using it.
Depending on the type of protection needed, we classify products for which are designed for men, women, and those, which are universal. In the case of light incontinence management products the division into pads for men and women is due to the anatomical differences. From the range of Seni products for ladies we offer Seni Lady, bladder control pads, which can also be used by men, and a range of Seni Man pads which are designed for men. All of the products for moderate and heavy incontinence management range – the all-in-one diapers, anatomically shaped pads, absorbent disposable underwear – are designed both for men and women.
It is often the case, that an ordinary sanitary napkin is used to protect the underwear in light incontinence. This solution is ineffective. Bladder control pads and sanitary napkins look similar, however their design and construction is different due to different application. Click here for more information.
Our skin needs constant air supply, because it has to “breathe” in order to stay in good condition. If an outer layer of a diaper is made only of insulating film, the film blocks air circulation, causing the skin to sweat. In cases of prolonged diaper wearing this makes the skin chafed. Chafed skin is more prone to suffer from bedsores.
Breathable products minimise the risk of chafes and bedsores thanks to the special structure of the outer layer. In PREMIUM Quality products, i.e. Super Seni, Seni Active, San Seni, Seni Optima, Seni Lady and Seni Man groups, the whole outer layer is made of vapour-permeable material. This material has the same barrier properties as film, but in its structure there are micropores small enough to keep the moisture in, yet big enough, to let the perspiration vapour out. Due to that feature the air circulation is not disturbed and the skin breathes.
Using a back sheet made of a different material than film doesn’t influence the absorbency of the diaper, nor its absorbing time, but improves the comfort of use – breathable diapers do not rustle – they are more discreet and nicer in touch.
The breathability in all-in-one diapers can also be obtained by application of a special non-woven side wings. The non-woven material enables free air circulation in the hip part of the product.
A belief, that a thicker diaper is more absorbent, is misleading. The absorbing core in thinner diapers is pressed improving the comfort of use (the product is more discreet), but what is even more important, that improves the distribution of urine in the diaper.
What determines the absorbency level?
To sum up – the combination of cellulose pulp and a right amount of superabsorbent determines the final absorbency of a diaper. Conclusion: a diaper’s absorbency doesn’t directly depend on the thickness of the absorbent core.
Use of different products depends on whether a catheterised person also experiences faecal incontinence.
If there is no faecal incontinence it is enough to use a bed underpad or a bladder control pad. In the case of faecal incontinence it is recommended to use Seni V type special anatomically shaped inserts without the outer barrier back sheet. Such inserts are a perfect underwear or bed protection in faecal incontinence, do not cause skin irritation or chafing, however they cannot be used as an independent diaper in urinary incontinence. It is recommended to use absorbent products in between the periods of catheterization.
Sometimes urinary incontinence is accompanied by faecal incontinence and the diapers often get soiled. In such cases it is not possible to make the most of the absorbent capacity of a diaper, and frequent diaper changes increase daily cost of use.
In order to avoid excessive costs it is worth to use additional diaper inserts with the all-in-one diapers; after getting soiled the inserts can be easily out leaving the diaper suitable for further use.
Seni has such inserts included in the offer – these are the Seni V. These inserts size Normal can be used with all-in-one diapers of all sizes, and Maxi size ones are only suitable for Extra Large size diapers.
Skin of a diapered person requires special protection. Keeping up proper hygiene not only helps to avoid unwanted skin conditions, but also improves comfort and makes one simply feel better.
What should daily care include?
There are complete lines of wash and care products dedicated for people with urinary incontinence which can be found in good pharmacies and medical stores. Best protection is achieved by using cosmetics from one product range, for example the Seni Care line – the cosmetics from this line complete one another’s effect on the skin. If one uses cosmetics made by different producers, the ingredients might interact causing irritation.
What is important to remember?
Find out more about skin care in the Skin care section.
A diaper should be change as often as necessary. When a diaper is so full that it cannot be used anymore it means it has to be changed.
In order not to expose the skin to unnecessary irritation it is advised to change the diaper each time the diapered person passes stool. In other cases the wetness indicator, which blurs after contact with moisture, will inform that the diaper is full.
NOTE: One should check the level of a diaper’s wetness, because prolonged presence of moisture inside the diaper may lead to forming clusters in the absorbent core, what may lead to skin irritation and greatly deteriorates the comfort of the user.
Using Seni absorbent products is safe.
What makes Seni products safe to use?
It is really important to carefully activate a diaper before putting it on. Activation is preparing a diaper for use. Activation fluffs the absorbent core, which is originally pressed, and raises the standing gathers, which prevent side leakages.
Leakage from the diaper is most commonly caused by choosing an improper product for the level of incontinence, or by wrong product size.
In order to avoid leakage and to provide user’s maximum comfort, follow these rules:
If the above rules are followed the risk of leakage is minimised. A soft bed underpad can be used at night for extra protection.
A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.
Choose productChoosing the right product is very important. That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".
Choose size