Since there are many factors responsible for the correct functioning of the urinary system, the dysfunction of one of the elements may influence the functioning of the other.
Pregnancy and motherhood is beautiful, but apart from its obvious advantages it has a few drawbacks.
Constant exposure to urine, higher temperature inside the diaper, and remaining in one position for a long time may quickly lead to skin irritation.
Since many parts are responsible for the performance of the urinary system, the deficiency of one of those elements may influence the performance of the others.
Most men who like spending their time actively don’t know where to start when they find out that they have urinary incontinence.
Taking into consideration a construction of the products, all-in-one diapers can be divided into two systems: half-open and closed ones.
A well-chosen product means both the patient's comfort and less risk of serious pressure sores, as well as less work for the caregiver. Choose a product with our help.
Choose productChoosing the right product is very important. That is why, we created a simple tool called "Diagnostics".
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